French force Aodon put focus on nine characters, issues, and the aftermath with ‘Portraits’

Everyone has a path to travel in life, and often times we veer to other tributaries because the mission we’re on changes, or our inhibitions do. Along the way, we face struggles, and the way we react to those things depends on a lot of different factors, not all of them being things we can control. In turn, our actions and behaviors not only lean into our own lives but into that of friends, families, even strangers.

French black metal force Aodon use their new record “Portraits” (their third) to help tell some of these stories, each track named after a fictional or real character and the factors they face. The band—vocalist/guitarist/drummer M-Kha, guitarist Laurent C., bassist Alix R.—unleashes their brand of atmospheric power and chaos over these nine tracks, visiting subject matters such as misery, addiction, violence, belief systems, abuse, and many other forces that transform what these characters become. These tracks burst with life, fiery ambition, and emotional caterwaul, doing their best to help you live alongside these people and where their decisions take them along the way.  

“Swen” unloads with a melodic surge, shrieks raining down as the fog thickens dangerously. Energy gushes as the intensity continues to multiply, moving in and out of clouded obscurity before unleashing an infectious assault before melting into chaos. “Egon” is frosty and spiraling, delivering fast riffs and assaulting the senses, making blood and adrenaline spike. Vicious howls echo as guitars spill and create a mystical sensation, bowing to the fire before a blistering finish. “Mayerson” starts with the drums gutting, creating confusion and numbness as the splattering moves into a frost front. The playing sprawls as the fires spread, energy gushes with volcanic force, and final explosive jolts tie a morbid bow on everything. “Adam” crushes right off the bat as the guitars wrench, the playing dive bombing mercilessly. The pace is savage but catchy, decimating chaos spreading its wings, a frosty finish leaving all functioning warm cells frozen.

“Miquella” dawns with force as the drums blister, thunderous playing making bones quake. The playing sprawls as the guitars drip, thrashing menace making muscles ache, shrieks hammering with precision  before the track flows to a gutting end. “Andreas” feels more welcoming until guitars explode, and a stirring, tornadic pace scrambles your senses. A melodic flood generates excitement and chaos at the same time, melting into clean playing that flows over you, and then everything combusts, with the track ending in total destruction. “Liza” rips open, the vicious screams making their presence felt, the smashing sentiment raining down. Fog spreads and obscures vision as raw howls dig into flesh, the playing scorching and leaving flesh red and swollen. “Inaki” brings a guitar rush and flushing melodies, setting up an atmospheric haul that then twists the knife. Air and power are abundant as the playing builds and cascades, bleeding out into closer “Sheelagh” that starts off with a breezier approach. Gazey layering turns into menace as guttural howls devastate, battering power loosens the screws, and a blasting push makes footing unstable, landing gut punches before fading away.

While “Portraits” may be a character play involving real or imagined characters, Aodon find ways to lace their realities into each of our own. There’s not one of us who have not been impacted or influenced by these actions or emotions, and being able to identify with that gives this record even more weight. That’s not even addressing the power of the music contained here, which is some of Aodon’s finest, an album that explodes inside your chest and mind and rearranges where everything once stood.

For more on the band, go here:

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