Litha is black metal that seeks meaning in chaos, tries to cope with altruism in barbaric world

Photo by by Trevor Gagnier

Being a human isn’t exactly an easy thing to pull off for a lot of us. In fact, it can be destructive and callous as we navigate our way through an unforgiving world that is littered with people who don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves. How does one try to be a decent person knowing all of this and realizing so many people and situations we face aren’t worth that kind of positive energy?

That’s a question Andrew Black is trying to answer with his black metal project Litha that is releasing its self-titled debut record. Black isn’t a stranger to the heavy music world, as he’s played as a live member of Mizmor and Hell, but his work normally is found in the ambient world. But needing an outlet to deal with the state of the world, his attempts to be a good person in a place full of bad actors, and the anxiety and depression he carries, Litha was born, and the five tracks found on this record are incredible displays, demonstrating tenacity and power, gifts he has in abundance.  

“Hunger” is the 7:35-long opener, and it blasts its way in, guitars wrenching as the cries sound sorrowful. Guitars gush as Black howls, “I sleep in a bed of broken glass, I wait to lick my wounds … like a dog!” The playing floods as the bass chugs, plastering its way to a bruising finish. “Wearing Away” starts with glimmering guitars, the vocals practically hissing, melodies washing over a land of heartache. Chaotic fires rip as strong leads gather momentum, crushing and gushing, pounding away as the sounds boil over, reddening flesh with its rising heat. “I Am Many” is clean and trickles, a mournful haze hanging overhead, the growls gripping with force and squeezing out the air. A fog encases everything as the playing gets doomier, spreading misery and pain. The guitars work their way into a gazey sprawl, and the howls bubble and cover your psyche with a sense of detachment.

“Bite the Hand” runs a clean eight minutes, starting with guitars flooding, the emotional toll being paid early and often. Guitars collect and bring a melancholic feel, and then the force explodes again before pulling back, a warm glow coating your flesh. Guitars blaze all over as the pace increases its pressure, the shrieks turn skyward and reach for understanding, and the power finally bleeds out for good. “Thirst” is the closer, a 12-minute journey that is tornadic when it lands, Black wailing, “This thirst cannot be quenched!” The guitars begin to hypnotize, speeding and twisting, flush with energy that begins to flow like as swollen lava tunnel. Finally, the temperature changes, the coldness begins to leave a frost, the riffs cascade, and the final notes land like ashes from the sky.

Obviously, we know Black’s work from his efforts supporting other projects, but with Litha, he’s finally able to shine on his own, delivering emotionally heavy black metal that pays a weighty toll. This debut record allows Black to release some of the uglier, more destructive feelings and emotions collecting within him, and having this outlet resulted in a powerful record that might act as catharsis for other. This is a promising first step from a project that hopefully has a long, fruitful life.

For more on the band, go here:

To buy the album, go here:

For more on the label, go here:

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