Finnish brawlers Malicious cut right to point, punish with fiery hell on EP ‘The Merciless Storm’

Getting to the point is a gift, something we here at Meat Mead Metal do not necessarily possess. We try to present a convincing and relatable opening to the music we’re about to discuss, but maybe we should shut the fuck up sometimes. We’re shutting the fuck up.

“The Merciless Storm” is a perfect title for the new EP from Finnish death squad Malicious, who are following their 2020 debut full-length album “Deranged Hexes” with this four-track destroyer. This is a compact, smothering EP that the band—vocalist/guitarist Miska Heikurinen, guitarist Niko Paasonen, bassist/vocalist Paavo Elo. drummer Riku Polameri—injects with force and power with which you cannot contend. Let’s just get into it, yes?

The title track opens in a flurry, guitars storming, fiery shrieks grabbing throats and squeezing relentlessly. The pace is delirious and zany, the howls massacring the senses, guitars tearing out with violent intent, the mangling continuing until the fuel burns away. “Invasive Terror” is blinding, splattering as the guitars catch fire, the manic pace making your blood race as raspy howls leave welts on your flesh. The leads boil and lather as blasts meet up with frenetic energy, blasting all the way to the end. “Ambient Sonic Annihilation” is monstrous, a giant punk gust that strangles and slaughters, a fast and crazed assault that tests your limits. The tempo shifts back as the guitars burst toward the sky, spattering blood as a heavy doom cloud brings the end. Closer “Chronic Quake” explodes and stampedes, delivering maniacal chaos, putting you through the gears without mercy. Guitars burst and head off to the races, melting with crazed fire, clobbering with channeled madness that leaves you flat on your back.

Malicious waste no time pushing your face into the dirt on “Merciless Storm,” about as fitting a title for a release as you’re going to find. The band buries you in filthy, sometimes punk-fueled death metal that doesn’t waste time weakening you and instead goes right for the jugular. This is 11 minutes of utterly deranged torture, a mini blast that’ll take off your head with violence and devastation.

For more on the band, go here:

To buy the album, go here:

For more on the label, go here:

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