Morbid maulers Hyperdontia put death metal, chaos in focus on brutal ‘Harvest of Malevolence’

I like a good story as much as the next person, and having a lot of records these days that concentrate on a plot line or a collection of interwoven ideas has kept my busy mind pretty engaged. But there are times I just want to be beaten about the head and torso by something that promises heaviness and violence, which can be just as rewarding.

Turkish/Danish death metal squad Hyperdontia aren’t as interested in telling stories as they are pushing your face to the grind stone. This is death metal through and through, it’s well played and constructed, and it keeps getting more intense as they go. On their third record “Harvest of Malevolence,” the band—vocalist/guitarist Mathias Friborg, guitarist Mustafa Gürcalioğlu, bassist Malik Camlica, drummer Tuna—lays down a beating that leaves its mark. Over eight tracks and 40 minutes, this quartet stretches their prowess and deliver death metal that’s to the point and will bloody your mouth.

“Death’s Embrace” rips and boils from the start, growls destroying as the playing scrambles brain signals. From there, the pace jars and rips, the leads take off, and the heat increases as the final blows land. “Salvation in Death” thrashes as the bass playing bubbles, mashing as the growls clog veins. Things turn even more bruising and vicious as the pace races and snarls, blazing as vicious jabs rob the lings of breath. “Marking the Rite” is crunchy and charging, vicious growls mixing in with an attack that’s direct and draws blood. The leads encircle as the soloing explodes and spreads lava, the madness stirring as violent gasps struggle for oxygen. “Pestering Lamentations” has the bass slithering in, infernal howls meeting up with guitars that destroy and hypnotize. The guitars gain steam as the thrashiness blisters, spiraling out and pooling plasma and guts beneath.

“Pervasive Rot” starts with the guitars fluttering, infernal heat growing more intense, sooty death rolling around in a pile of guts. The bass recoils as the guitars foam at the mouth, the playing bristling and mangling before finally offering some mercy. “Irrevocable Disaster” tangles and brawls, the growls burning as the pressure builds, the drums drilling as the growls incinerate. The fury brawls as the leads spiral, delivering a lashing that’ll keep you down. “Defame Flesh” opens with doomy guitars and wiry, fiery heat, the playing swirling through dizzying hell. The vocals are throatier and meaner, the bass twisting muscles, the pace erupting and even letting some melody into the room. Closer “Servant to a Crippled God” dawns amid coarse growls and active riffs, the playing searching through diseased bellies and mental madness. Guitars lather as the playing gets chunkier, the intensity ramping up and crushing, leading a pathway to damnation.

“Harvest of Malevolence” is a slab of death metal that doesn’t need an ongoing storyline or deep excursions into personal issues in order to be memorable. Hyperdontia already have a pretty strong grip on their brand of death metal, and on this album, they tighten their hold and make sure you feel every bit of the devastation. There’s no such thing as a sure bet, but Hyperdontia putting out a killer buffet of riveting death is about as close as you can get.

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